Are your people putting off difficult conversations so that the issue is escalated, and now it’s your problem?

One of the CEOs I work with, new into their role and with some new members in their leadership team, was getting dragged into far too many “escalations.”

Are you fed up with getting dragged into escalations?

Imagine your team dealing with things so that you can focus on the things you need to (and maybe leave on time)!

Imagine having your leadership team and their teams have the skills to have difficult conversations.

Imagine them not only having the theory but also having experienced using it in such a way that their self-authority allows them to be vulnerable, to be open, to state their collaboration intention.

How can you help with this? The best way is to call me, and in the meantime, model it yourself.

3 Steps

1. This isn’t easy to say because…

2. And it’s important to me as…

3. And so…

Then listen, really listen. Listen to what is not being said, and listen for the meaning behind the words.

To “first understand, then seek to be understood.”

I can help imbed this in all of your team, just as I learned the hard way myself.

+1 Step

My client has seen a massive drop-off in escalations; you could, too, reach out.

#stressreduction #leadershiptraining #culturetransformation #teamcollaboration #teamwork #difficultconversations

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