What ever your challenge is, we've got your back!

Consider us a sounding board –
YOUR trusted advisor with only your best interests at heart.

What we’ve learnt from our time working with various companies around the globe, is that there are four common problems that come up again and again…

Increasing autonomy
& leadership

Building autonomy and leadership within your team can be a challenge. Yet it’s important as you don’t want to get pulled into the details and minutiae of each and every project.

Are your team able to make decisions when you’re not around because they have a clear compass showing how you and the company should behave and make decisions?

Going through our process will have an automatic positive impact on your team’s leadership skills. We will arm them with new tools that will unlock their willingness to go beyond.

Attracting and retaining the ‘right’ people

Finding the right people for your business is difficult right? Retaining those people can be even more difficult. We talk about the ‘right’ people, but what does ‘right’ even mean?

In getting clear on your business and team values and purpose, it becomes much easier to identify the characteristics, experience and traits of the people that would truly fit into the culture of your team.

Without a good cultural fit, people are much more likely to leave a business, resulting in higher staff turnover.

To create loyalty and attract the best people, integrity-driven and heart-felt leadership should be ever present, particularly if you want to create fluidity and cohesion within your business.

Without a really clear understanding of the business’ culture you can’t attract and retain the right people.

Getting people aligned

In order for your organisational objectives to be met and life made easier for you as a leader, you will need your teams to be in alignment around your vision, purpose and big WHYs - but it’s no easy feat.

Without your people understanding and aligning with the overarching WHY that sits behind what you’re doing, you’ll find yourself captaining a ship that’s trying to pull in all different directions. In turn, stifling your progress, your ability to impact the landscape, and hampering any positive cultural change within your business.

Hitting numbers
& getting results

Do you feel that sometimes you are the only one that really cares about results? We understand that if you don't obtain tangible business results the cultural building will not mean anything.

This becomes about creating thryvving cultures, initially with senior leadership teams, and then cascading that down through the business to create teams that are absolutely focused on results.

In our experience, many of the CEOs, founders and business leaders we’ve worked with, often feel like they’re the only one that has a real attention to results, and without your team being focused on them too, you will struggle to make the impact, hit the deliverables and meet the milestones that you’re striving for.

A toxic corporate culture is by far the strongest predictor of industry attrition and


more important than compensation in predicting turnover.

Top predictors of attrition during the Great Resignation

Analysis of the impact of more than 170 cultural topics on employee attrition in Culture 500 companies from April through September 2021.

These five topics were the leading predictors of attrition.

10.5 X
3.5 X
3.2 X
2.9 X
1.8 X

Source: MIT Sloan

Did you know that


of your work force are probably looking for a new role?

More than 40% of all employees were thinking about leaving their jobs at the beginning of 2021, and as the year went on, workers quit in unprecedented numbers. 

Between April and September 2021, more than 24 million American employees left their jobs – an all-time record. 

As the Great Resignation rolls on, business leaders are struggling to make sense of the factors driving the mass exodus. More importantly, they are looking for ways to hold on to valued employees. 


5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Identify them and understand the outcome you are after

Each dysfunction has a direct impact on a team’s performance and hampers overall productivity. The good news is that, as a manager, with excellent leadership skills, you can overcome every single one of these dysfunctions

  • Conceal weaknesses and mistakes from each other
  • Don’t ask for help or a piece of advice
  • Hesitate to offer assistance when it’s outside their own area of responsibility
  • Hesitate to offer feedback or compliment one’s skills
  • Hate meetings and avoid spending time together

Overcoming this dysfunction, you will get a team that…

  • Feels comfortable working together towards a common goal
  • Can quickly react to issues that are no longer silenced 
  • Can prevent mistakes by giving timely feedback and assistance to each other 
  • Motivate each other appreciating others’ skills and strengths
  • Hesitate to voice opinions and concerns
  • Ignore controversial topics even if they have potential to determine team’s success
  • Have more interpersonal conflicts and personal attacks
  • Have backchannel communication and politics

Overcoming the fear of conflict in your team, you will get a team that…

  • Leverages diversity and exploits the ideas of everyone on the team
  • Quickly solves the problems
  • Openly discusses critical topics and concerns
  • Minimizes politics
  • Lack confidence and are in fear of failure
  • Discuss the same topics or decisions over and over again
  • Make ambiguity and second-guessing thrive
  • Fail to seize opportunity spending too much time on making a decision

When you overcome this dysfunction, your team will…

  • Clearly understand work directions and priorities
  • Share common goals and objectives
  • Be ready to change
  • Not let the fear of mistake prevent it from moving forward
  • Make high performers discouraged
  • Miss deadlines
  • Make team leaders overwhelmed as the sole source of discipline
  • Remain mediocre

When your team learns to hold each other accountable, they will…

  • Quickly identify potential problems questioning each other’s actions and approaches
  • Respect their team and the organisation for applying the same standards to everyone
  • Avoid excessive management of performance, fines and corrective actions
  • Pressure poor performers to improve
  • Lose achievement-oriented team members
  • Get distracted from collective goals easily
  • Fail to develop
  • Lose market competition

Once you make your team keep results in their focus, you will…

  • Minimize individualistic behavior
  • Avoid arising distractions
  • Enjoy development and success

Tell us about your organization’s priorities and the cultural or leadership challenges that you are currently facing.