Is this you? Well here's a question for you...

Do you trust your people, and do they trust you, and each other?

Yes, of course, you may be saying, but how do you know, and what does trust even mean to you?

You may well say that they are performing well, and or they do what they say they will do. And is that enough?

NO, it is not!

I’m not talking about “I trust Bob to complete the report on time because he always does” kinda trust.

I’m talking about the trust that where you and your teams can say;

“I need help” – “I’ve f#@ked up” – “I don’t know the answer” WITHOUT the fear of it biting you in the @rse down the road.

According to Patrick Lencioni, author of some of my favourite team, leadership books and programs, when you have vulnerability trust, then the following are true:

1. “When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer.”

2. “Trust is knowing that when a team member does push you, they’re doing it because they care about the team.”

3. “It’s as simple as this: When people don’t unload their opinions and feel like they’ve been listened to, they won’t get on board.”

The journey from this foundation of vulnerability trust to a culture that focuses on results, is a long story for another post.

Are you fed up with the feeling that you’re the only one who has their eyes on the prize?

Imagine if everyone in your team(s) had that attention on results.

Your culture is constantly being solidified and Leadership never really stops. Neither does our commitment to you!

Whether you need a quick answer to a question, or would like to begin a conversation about your organization’s leadership and cultural challenges, our experts are here to help.