Two things before I start:

1. I love flip flops! in fact for one of my amazing c-level clients it is a metaphor for her authenticity.

2. Of course, what “success” is, is another more extensive subject and unique (or should be) to all of us.

Before you can create success in your business; for your teams and yourself, you need to:


Do you flip flop? Things that mean a lot to you, you drop or give up?

When you create a conscious intention; and allow yourself to focus on that intention, stuff happens.

In the past, you probably gave up when things got tough, but how do you know that you were not just about to get there?

So what to do?

i) Have an unwavering desire for “success.”

But how do I create an unwavering desire? You may well ask yourself.

Control your thoughts more by telling yourself what you want; the more specific, the better, and create a definite plan to get it. Write it down and read aloud to yourself 2 x each day.

ii) Have faith in your desire.

A definition of Faith is absolute belief without proof. Faith can be created by autosuggestion, talking firmly to yourself, visualization and affirmations. Repetition trains your subconscious. Conscious conditioning of the unconscious. It works.

Of course, many cultures (especially mine from the UK) resist these techniques considerably. In a way, this proves that conditioning works. We have been conditioned by society to believe that such things are silly. Fear of being stupid is holding us back from trying something that can transform our motivation.

iii) Visualization

It’s not just fluffy stuff – this works. Take this a step further. Sit with your eyes closed, get comfortable, and visualize your desired outcome. A great way to do this is to have created a vision board that allows you to re-visit and repeat this visualization.

There’s nothing mystic and woo-woo about this, and there is a very good reason why many successful people continue to use this technique to help them realize their goals. When you imagine your success, you’ll be more attuned to opportunities that can help you get there. You’ll be able to anticipate and plan for setbacks, and you’ll also have a constant reminder of why you chose to pursue those goals in the first place.”

Professional athletes use these techniques, and many papers show their effectiveness.

AND you can make this easy; do it in private. Keep trying until it doesn’t sound or feel so weird or clunky.

What do you have to lose?

Of course, if you are not clear on what “success” means to you, or if you want any help in any of the techniques – then we can talk. Contact me here.

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