A special ingredient is needed that only the facilitator can add; their energy, insights, and skills.”*

The picture is from an incredibly fulfilling process, co-facilitating with Pippa Clark Clark MD of Hamilton Aquatics & ESM – East Sports Management, a series of workshops rediscovering the WHY (purpose) and HOWs (values in action) embedded throughout the organization.

Having worked together as coach and client for years, although it was an unusual approach to facilitating, it was an organic co-creation—also a stretch for both of us.

I’m so excited as we move into the next phase; of my bespoke thriving cultures program having now completed the Prospective, and People phases (above) and now with leadership team inquiry phase complete, we move into delivery of – Performance!

I’m excited because having surveyed and interviewed the entire team, the high caliber of the individuals is clear. Now to continue the journey maximize the team’s potential as a system.

Lets do this!

If you are a leader and want to maximise your results in a purposeful way, ping me for a chat.

*”Improving Work Groups” – Francis & Young

Your culture is constantly being solidified and Leadership never really stops. Neither does our commitment to you!

Whether you need a quick answer to a question, or would like to begin a conversation about your organization’s leadership and cultural challenges, our experts are here to help.