3 Things You Can Do Now to Stop Feeling Burnt Out, Pissed Off and Resentful

It’s the National Holidays tomorrow in the UAE! Cool, 4 days off, or is it?

Are you going to do “a little bit of work”?

Worse, are you feeling you need to make your people do some too?

Don’t be “always-on”. Good from a marketing perspective, not so much for you.

My clients are exceptional Women Founders, a big success, growing teams, and many felt they need to…


You have to be ‘doing’ something all the time!

“I can’t take time off!”

I get it; I was there….for decades.

AND it’s my job to tell you that that feeling of “can’t” is a stuck perspective – (you know this inside to be true, and still the word “can’t is there).

Maybe – just maybe deep down, it’s because of a limiting belief that says, “If I’m not “Doing” I don’t have value round here,” “I’m expendable,” “my work is my worth, I AM the head of ….” and maybe its habit?

(And BTW, that’s not YOU, it’s the voice that you hear in your head critiquing you. Your inner critic or saboteurs. It’s your conditioning; we can reprogram it!)

Short term

It’s your choice. You have a 100% choice. That sounds condescending? I don’t understand? Yeah, maybe and still a fact.

Medium term

If you create a “Thriving Culture,” it allows that choice to become sustainable.

Not being dragged into petty disputes.

That freedom.

That time supporting, growing your people, and planning the future.

Now it’s your turn to take some small steps.

1. Take the DAY(s) OFF! Shut off the phone, no emails. See that next week…

You will still have a business.

You will still have a team.

You will still have problems.


Also a new perspective and more energy.

2. Ask for HELP! It’s one of the greatest leadership skills there is – and jeez, it feels good.

3. Say NO to something. Start with something small and see what happens. (This changed my life).

If you can’t do this, maybe we should have a chat – DM me.

It’s national National Day (or the weekend).

Enough already. Have some fun! 

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