Do you know what presence is? I’m not judging… believe me.

I didn’t – I remember some way through my coach training having to ask Dalia Al-Mahmood CPCC, PCC, ORSC what that meant. And it took me years to “get it.”

For most of my career as a #CFO, I worked crazy hours in a typically “busy” and, in many ways, toxic corporate environment. It was kinda “macho” to be doing several things at once, rushing “back to back” – working on several things at once and being presented to while fielding e-mails.

Does this ring a bell?

I had no idea…

1) What I “stood for,” what were my values? What did values even mean? How would my values have aligned with the business? I also had no idea the power of values in empowerment – HOW we do things around here, who I to make decisions.

2) What “Show Up” meant? Although I don’t like the phrase, for me, is self-acceptance and self-authority? Full on, being yourself and not fearing people seeing who you are.

3) Connecting – How could I have done this without vulnerability (not going over the top – that’s just weird) and authenticity? Well, I didn’t.

4) How could I have communicated in an inspiring way when all I was saying was for effect, out of a fear of not being “enough?”


If any of this rings a bell.

If you want to be the leader you want your people to be.

If you have thought about trying something new.

Check out the work and offerings of Samantha Allen PCC, CPCC & Migena Gjerazi MBA, CPCC, PCC.

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