I seem to be the only person that has an attention to results

Is this you? Well here’s a question for you… Do you trust your people, and do they trust you, and each other? Yes, of course, you may be saying, but how do you know, and what does trust even mean to you? You may well say that they are performing well, and or they do […]

3 + 1 Steps for Leaders to Experience Less ‘Escalations’

Are your people putting off difficult conversations so that the issue is escalated, and now it’s your problem? One of the CEOs I work with, new into their role and with some new members in their leadership team, was getting dragged into far too many “escalations.” Are you fed up with getting dragged into escalations? […]

3 Different Ways: Which Do You Think Will Attract and Retain the Right People?

The Red ZONE, PINK ZONE or GREEN ZONE Several years ago, Sony sent me on a Leadership scheme at Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education, based on a book called Radical Collaboration® by Jim Tamm. Afterward, I immediately sought out Jim and convinced him to teach me how to teach Radical Collaboration. Spending time with […]

5 Steps for Leaders to Actually Switch off on Holiday

I got so into this, looking at holiday pics, man happy days! And this from someone that totally loves their job… What the hell is the point in limitless holidays; if your team, or you, don’t take them and switch off entirely? Big news today. So Goldman is trying to attract top performers, using a […]

Five things you can do now, not to lose your best tech and digital people

Five things you can do to attract and retain the right people 1. Give workers a real reason to stay. 2. Encourage workers to take the time and space to grow. 3. Know, and learn to listen for, values in interviews. 4. Make it easier to move around the organization. 5. Don’t drag your feet […]